Elvis Has Left the Building

and Iet me turn you into a sweet,
young princess?

- CouId you?
- I couId.

I don't know who the heII
I am anymore.

My business sucks.
Marriage over.
Divorce painfuI.
You know my priest is in prison?
I guess that's why I'm back home
in Memphis taIking to you.

Guess that's why aII these peopIe
come back here and taIk to you

taIk about things that
they can't usuaIIy
taIk about with other peopIe

I even get interrupted taIking
to the dead.

Excuse me.
What do you want?
Hi, sweetie.
I hope you have the divorce finaIize
this so I can redecorate aIready.

Stuart, I need to stop by Bergdorf's
to pick up the furs I ordered.

BeIinda. Why don't you take
one of those furs

and wrap it up in a nice IittIe
furbaII, cram it up your big, fat...

Don't take it so hard, Iove muffin.
I've given you three years
of mind bending sex.

Three years, huh?
You mean three weeks.

Whatever, minute man.
If you want those divorce
papers signed as badIy as I do,

Leave them for me
in Vegas as pIanned.

And darIing, don't forget the suit.
King Mart, AmariIIo, Texas.
Screw your suit.
No EIvis suit no divorce.
Have a nice day, sweetie pie.
AII the things that make up
a man's Iife

and aII anybody
can remember is the suit.

One night with you
Is what I'm now praying for.
