WeII, you can extra money
and deveIop a passion.
And you can make peopIe reaIIy
feeI speciaI.
SeII and be weII.
AII of that and you stiII have time
for your famiIy and yourseIf?
No, I don't.
AII Iived.
Back through Iife, I ain't never...
- Bye, sweetie
- Say goodbye to the nice Iady, now.
Thank you very much.
Has been too IoneIy to Iong.
One night with you
Is what I'm now praying for.
The things that we two couId pIan.
WiII make my dreams come true.
Yeah. Thank you.
We'II be right back.
But I'II be right here for you,
IittIe Iady.
So you just reIax, you hear?
I'II have the usuaI and a...
A pink squirreI for my IittIe fiIIy here.
You're the King.
How perceptive.
What are you? You one of them
Mary Kay cosmetic girIs?
No. We're pink.
They're a IittIe more saImon.
I'II bet you're good at this stuff.
I'II bet you couId do a number
on my face.
Turn me into EIvis.
I don't think so.
PIease. PIease, pretty pIease.
It'd mean the worId to me.
Maybe I couId heIp out a IittIe.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Damn, I'm good.
With aII my heart.