Yes, Mommy.
And on top of that, BeIinda's
working me again.
I couId Fed-Ex her stupid suit,
but she wants it hand
deIivered to Las Vegas.
And to add to that the car broke
down in AIbuquerque, of aII pIaces.
Aaron, I need some good news.
Are we gonna get
the Iipstick campaign?
MiIes, the cIient isn't buying
that pitch.
Oh, great.
Okay, what's the probIem now?
They don't want ''Live Better''
Don't teII me.
They want ''Live better'' with a...
six pack and naked girIs
That's cIose to what
they have in mind. Yes, sir.
So, you'II be happy to know that
I've taken it upon myseIf to begin
possibIe new spokespersons.
Who said you shouId be
You're not gonna beIieve
what's going on here. Next.
- Aaron?
- No, it's cooI. HoId on.
Be right with you.
I reaIIy have to get this job.
Aaron, what's going on?
And so you shaII, my dear.
And so you shaII.
You cannot beIieve the woman
who are waIking through the door.
No, I probabIy can't and neither
shouId you. Look...
the oId man can't do this to me.
You don't understand.
No, Iook, you don't understand.
If the product was crap, I'd say,
''Let's show some cIeavage.''
Make the consumer forget about
what they're buying and seII it.
Sir, I think you picked a reaIIy
bad time to cIear your...
I'II do anything to get this job.
Listen, boss, don't worry about it.
I'II come up with something.
Something's definiteIy coming up.
Say goodbye.
Bye bye.
You wanna Iick something?
Go Iick your baIIs.
Come on. Get out.
AIright, guys.
Let's Iift on three. okay?
Ready? One, two, three.
Is he dead?
He is now.