I'm sorry I can't take your caII
right now,
but I'm out making
the worId beautifuI.
Just Ieave me a message
and you know I'II caII you back.
ShirI, where are you? Damn it.
ShirI, this is bad.
This is reaIIy bad.
we've been Iooking for you.
We're aII waiting
on your cosmetic genius.
I'II be right there.
- I can't beIieve that's her.
- I know.
Yes. Yeah your bank
accounts. Yes.
Your bank accounts are going
to overfIow Iike moIten Iava and...
The Iava wiII form isIands of bank,
of Swiss bank accounts.
But it's aII about...
It's about inspiring beauty,
enIightening Iives,
or enriching Iives.
So you can go out in the street
and then just,
with your whoIe body,
just say, ''I am a goddess.''
Can we get our money back?