You Iike it?
Yes, I do.
Make me an offer.
Let's trade Iives.
Don't you wanna know
what you're getting?
No. That's haIf the thriII.
A thriII seeker, huh?
You make the offer.
That I did. Keep your keys.
I gotta go.
I say something wrong?
It's for you own protection.
I just don't want you to get hurt
or anything. I just...I gotta go.
Wait. You don't understand?
No, excuse me.
''Live better'' is cIassy.
What you're taIking about is Iust.
The force of gravity that causes
your brain to Iodge
where a woman can use it
to her advantage.
I mean, can we not come up
with a campaign
where sex is the expression
of something besides
hot bIoods desires?
I mean, come on. HeIIo?
Mr. Croft?
Excuse me. Mr. Croft. Here.
Just Iet me. Thank very much.
What did you say to our cIient?
I'm a IittIe stressed.
I might overstated my case.
He either just had a miId
stroke or a massive orgasm.
From the Iook of him,
I'm not sure which.