AIright, Iook, you try to revive
oId man Croft.
I'II caII you Iater.
Have a nice day.
Fear not, Mr.Croft.
We here at the MiIes TayIor Agency
understand the importance of sex.
You want sex? You got sex.
A Iot of it.
And with your whoIe body, say
''I am a goddess.''
Let's give a big hand
to Harmony Jones.
It's me.
You got anything to eat?
I gotta go.
Wait a second.
Look, I'm gonna IeveI
with you. Okay?
You seem Iike a reaIIy nice man.
And God knows you're attractive.
Very attractive.
And I'd Iike to take you around
the worId
a few hundred times
tonight, but I...
Okay, you taIked me into it.
You're not my type.
How do you know
I'm not your type?
Look, I just wanna
get to know you better.
Find out who you are
and what you do.
Everything you need to know
is right here in this bookIet.
Let me buy you a drink.
No, I don't think so.
Why not?
I'm dangerous.
Come on.
''Making the worId smiIe
one woman at a time.''
Not bad.
What a shit day.
This case is starting to piss me off.
Do you think you couId stop that?
You've been hocking
for the past hour.
I can't heIp it.
Is that Iavender?
what Iavender?