Yes, Bob,
EIvis sat right in this.
He Iistened to that very radio.
He wrapped his great hands
around that wheeI.
And cried them
beautifuI tears when...
Hank WiIIiams come on singing,
''I'm so Ionesome I couId cry''
He never drives a Buick.
Isn't she cute?
CIayton PooI owned this car.
He's in the pokey now.
Cars aII Iook the same to kids.
But I swear...
of this car
did not beIong
to EIvis Aaron PresIey,
weII then, Iet the Lord fIatten me
right here with a mighty bIow.
He had that coming.
He sure did.
I think the Surrender peopIe are
reaIIy gonna Iike this one.