We pitched around a new angIe.
We caII it ''I'm smiIing.''
So I brought in one
of the modeIs
and we thew something together.
Let me know what you think.
Hang on.
I use Surrender and I'm smiIing.
I've tried aII the others
but they Ieft me dry.
And definiteIy Unsatisfied.
And then I surrendered.
And if you surrender,
you'II be smiIing, too.
What do you think?
Are you smoking crack?
You can't say ''I'm smiIing''
just to show body parts,
numb nuts.
You gotta say, ''I'm smiIing,''
because you feeI Iove
or you feeI joy or happiness.
Surrender to your emotions.
Get it? Come on, wake up!
Surrender to your emotions.
That's great.
That's perfect, boss.
I'II get back to you on that tonight.
Thank you.
Here something.
That imprint on the tissue was
That's the same brand of Iipstick
we found on Mr.HoIe in the head.
It couId mean nothing.
Everything has meaning.
This enchiIada's terrific.
If semen on a dress can impeach
a president,
then DNA on that tissue can
expose an idiot.
A IittIe oId schooI detecting
wouId do you good, my friend.
OId schooI won't give you this.
I'm sorry I can't take your caII.
Just Ieave me a message
and you know...I'II caII you back.