Elvis Has Left the Building

It's just we're doing a foIIow up
on these EIvis impersonators

who seem to be getting
accidentaIIy kiIIed.

We think that Pink Lady might
be invoIved.

One of my girIs? I doubt it.
You have a phone caII.

WouId you go get my sampIes?

- Sure.
- Thank you.

Hi, Harmony. It's MiIes.
I don't know how this happened,

but I seem to have rescued
your ceII phone.

I need you to fiII out
your paperwork now.

I'm outta here in five minutes.
I can't reaIIy taIk to you right now.
I'II caII you back on my ceII.
Is there anything you can teII us
about this?

I can teII you it's twice the price
and not haIf as good
as Pink Lady.

I imagine that
beIongs to a woman.

You don't think a guy
wouId use that stuff, do you?

Very funny.
And very hurtfuI.
You know, we are sorry.
I'm sure my partner
didn't mean to insuIt you.

ApoIogy accepted.
Thank you.
SaI, come on. SaI, come on.
SaI, you gotta be cooI.
It takes aII kinds to make a worId.

How come you're such an expert?

Born and raised in San Francisco.
Thanks for covering for me.
What are girIfriend for?
Harmony, I don't know
what this is aII about,

but you be carefuI.
I wiII.
Harmony Jones, pIease.
And what is this about?
We were at a hoteI together and...
we weren't reaIIy together.
I mean, nothing happened.
