Hi, Officer.
I'm Iate for an appointment
and I seem to have gotten
a IittIe Iost.
Is there a...is there a steakhouse
or roadhouse around?
Yeah, there's the Ponderosa.
It's a few miIes down the road.
Down this road?
Yeah. Make your first two rights
and then a Ieft.
Thank you.
Yeah, Dispatch.
This is officer Longin.
I just gave directions to a guy
that fits the description
of a bIue '65 GTO Pontiac,
New York pIates.
And that poor man
with the maiIbox head.
That was awfuI.
AII these EIvis guys dead.
Far out, man.
You have the time?
It's nine forty five.
Thank you.
What the heII?