How much currency would
a first-rate accountant receive in America?
I don't know.
A lot, probably, if he or she is good.
Or he.
Are there Negro accountants?
Yes, there are African-American
-... but you don't want to use that word.
-And homosexual accountants?
There are homosexual everythings.
There are homosexual garbage men.
And how much currency would
Negro homosexual accountant receive?
You shouldn't use that word.
-Which word?
-The N-word.
-It's not the N-word, but-
Yeah, that one.
But I dig them all the way.
They are premium people.
It's that word, though.
You're not supposed to use that word.
What is wrong with the Negroes?
-Are you carnal very often?
With American girls, you make sex often?
Not really. Do you?
I inquired headmost. Do you?
Not really.
What do you intend by "not really"?
I'm not a priest,
but I'm not John Holmes, either.
I've heard of this John Holmes.
With a premium penis.
Yeah, that's the one.
In the Ukraine,
everybody has a penis like that.
What about the women?
You make a joke, no?
Come, Zlata, come.