Hey, what are you doing
on Saturday?
Mm, you tell me.
- You know what's really great about baseball?
- Hmm?
You can't fake it. Anything else in life,
you don't have to be great in-
business, music, art-
I mean, you can get lucky.
- Really?
- Yeah, you can fool everyone for a while, you know?
It's like- Not- Not baseball.
You can either hit a curveball
or you can't.
- That's the way it works, you know?
- Hmm.
You could have a lucky day, sure,
but you can't have a lucky career.
It's a little like math.
It's orderly.
Win or lose, it's fair.
It all adds up.
It's, like, not as confusing
or as ambiguous as, uh-
- Life?
- Yeah.
It's- It's safe.
Oh, yeah! Yeah!
- Hey.
- Hi.
What, did you buy out
the bookstore?
Actually, I bought every book
they had on the Red Sox...
because I'm tired of being
the most ignorant person here.
Now who is
Carl Yaz-a-strezem-
- She's not a genius, this one.
- No.
Johnny Damon!
You got the sweetest ass in the league!
Very nice.
Do you believe in this?
"The Curse of the Bambino"?
- Hey, that's not funny. That's enough of that.
- But Babe Ruth was the Bambino.
That's right.
He played for the Red Sox.
They were great.
I mean, they were the Yankees.
They won the World Series
in 1912, 1915...
1916, 1918.
They were royalty.
The elite.
Al should know. He was there actually.
He's 136 years old.