# There she goes again
# Rushing through my veins
# And l just can't contain
# This feeling that remains
# There she goes
# There she goes
# There she goes #
[Rowdy chatter]
[Teacher bangs on desk]
l'm Ms Hughes.
lt's not Miss, it's not Mrs.
Ms, OK?
Practise? Say it after me.
Ms Hughes.
Come on.
[Class, reluctantly] Ms Hughes.
Don't forget.
Right, l'm gonna start off today
by telling you
a few things l like
and a few things l DON'T like.
Yeah, all right. All right.
All right,
that's enough football.
Now, ''Of Mice and Men''.
How many of you managed to, uh,
get all the way through it?
Steven, you've got
your hand in the air.
You've not read it?
Yes, sir.
What happens in the end?
He shoots him, sir.
Who shoots who?
The little bloke
shoots the big bloke.
He's right, sir.
l'm leaving because
there's no point carrying on.
lf l've got Steven Downing
to read a book,
there's no challenges left.
My career can only go downhill.
Better be about
the book, Robert.
No, sir. lt's about Alan Smith.
Yeah, well, later.
What about him? [Laughter]
[Pupils shouting and cheering]
Mr Ashworth, have you
got a moment?