Not on the carpet.
l can't afford it.
You might have
the decency to run.
Then we wouldn't
be doing it together.
Cocky cow.
lt's just a fact. Look.
l HATE you!
l owe you a new carpet.
Well, maybe a new spare bed.
You shagged
the football hooligan!
l knew it! l knew it!
He's not a football hooligan.
So he HAS read Byron?
He's bound to have done!
lt doesn't really matter
if he hasn't.
Who'd have thought it, eh?
''lron Knickers'' Hughes
ending up with a yob.
He's not a yob
and l'm not ending up with him.
You wanna bet?
Where are you off to?
l'm starving.
l was thinking of ringing
for a pizza.
Have you read Byron?
Have you read
any of Byron's poems?
''The Assyrian came down
like a wolf on the fold
''and his somethings
were gleaming
''in black and old gold.'' Crap.
What are those?