l just don't get you.
No, l know you don't.
lt's not just me you don't get.
lt's any of us.
l hope the rest of them
aren't as selfish
and manipulative as you.
What's selfish about
watching a football team?
lt's all selfish, all of it!
All those stupid stories
about how your mum's cats
are called after great players
and how she drove
through the snow
to get you a Cup ticket.
You stopped seeing your father
when you didn't need him
to take you
to the games any more.
And we're supposed to understand
because football's football.
When we think of Paul,
we think of Arsenal.
lt makes me sick!
l hated this afternoon.
D'you wanna know why?
Because if you didn't
give a toss about Arsenal,
what are you left with?
You pay £5 to stand
on a lump of concrete.
You can't see anything,
you're not even safe.
And you can't complain
because that would be
letting the lads down.
That'd show
you didn't care enough.
Well, at least
we care about something.
At least we're not in
night after night
worrying about our lesson plans.
Whether a Scale 3
might come up in Bournemouth.
Perhaps one day you'll learn
to care about something
you can't tick.
l'm sorry.
[Front door opens
then closes]