First Descent

In the 1970's, snowboarding emerged
from the backwoods ofAmerica.

It was an unknown sport with roots
based on freedom, flow, selfexpression...

and a lifestyle that offered
a truly unique feeling that defied description.

During its brief,
but chaotic history,

snowboarding would battle the establishment,
overcome prejudice and fight to keep its soul.

And injust 25 years
it would spread around the world...

and change the face ofsports
as we know it today.

Snowboarding is so young,
and it came about so quickly,

that there wasn't really a chance...
for the history to lay itself down
and be concrete.

Any town you go in in the U.S.,
there's always some old-timer
that comes up with a story like,

"Oh, I was the first guy
to ever snowboard.

I took a waterskiandl cut the back off
andlput a rope on there.
I invented snowboarding. "

I'm one ofthose guys
that's, like, I'm not the inventor.

I'll never say I'm the inventor.
I'll never say I'm the first.

There's always been somebody before you
that's had the same idea or something similar.

To me,
it was more of an evolution.

Snowboarding has been around
longer than any of us even know,
maybe over a hundred years.

[Richards ]
I believe that snowboarding's
more about the pioneers that started it.

Jake influenced the growth
of snowboarding on the East Coast.

Tom Sims and Chuck Bafroot influenced
the growth of snowboarding on the West Coast.

And then a sport was born.
[ Man ]
He was a strange breed.

would be an understatement.

Jake Burton was definitely
one of the visionaries,

if not the main one
to put the sport over the top.

## [Man Singing Rock ]
[Burton ]
I got exposed to the whole concept
of snowboarding through the Snufrer.

The Snufrer was a product
that was made in the '60s.

It had no bindings,
and the early ones had no fins.
So it was just almost rodeo style.

But there was something there.
[ Ranquet ]
Tom was coming from a sufring
and skateboarding background.
