First Descent

be aggressive
and just try to express themselves.

They're, like, a lot of kids
with a lot energy.

The music we were listening to
told us to, you know, thrash, have fun.
Fuck authority.

Not that funny.

[Richards ]
This whole, like,
anti-authority movement...

definitely pushed the sport
in the direction of free thinking-
you'd go and do what you wanted to do.

The sport was yours to mold.
We were stoked to be a part
of something that felt like our own.
It wasn't welcome at all from the skiers.

[Man ]
Is that good enough?
I think so.

I think when
snowboarding came along...

and the skier establishment
saw this new thing that they
really didn't understand,

they couldn't help
but reject it and try to ban it.

I remember the first day
we went snowboarding.
We weren't allowed on the ski lifts.

So we hiked up
along the side of the run.

And l remember getting heckled
from the skiers, and that look, like,
what are they riding on?

There was less than half a dozen
ski areas...

that allowed snowboarding
on planet Earth in 1982 and 1983.

The ski industry
thought that this was a fad-
"We want nothing to do with this. "

I'd get letters from ski companies saying,
"Stop making these things."

[Burton ] We knew we were entitled to it.
I think there was this feeling
that it was going to happen.

when big resorts caved in
you'd get a phone call-

" Hey, we can get on Vail."
And it was, like, "No way!"
It was such cool news at the time.

All of the sudden there was
these weird people on their hill,
and they didn't follow a tradition in skiing.

[Man ] We were taking creative lines
down the mountain
that skiers weren't taking.

They thought we were going to
injure ourselves or injure some other people.

Which was not really the case.
Was there a prejudice from
skiers towards snowboarders?.
I think absolutely.
