[Man ]
Grand marshal.
You're an honored guest here
of Mountain Dew...
at the final
Mountain Dew Southern 500.
And you'll give the command to
start the 43 engines this afternoon.
Yeah, the
"start your engines!"
Jeff, real quick.
Shaun White, our grand marshal.
What's going on?. Nice to meet you.
Good to have you here.
Hey, thanks.
You're awesome,
what you do on that stuff.
[ Laughs ]
Actually, my snowboarding boots
are your boots.
Oh, really?.
That's awesome!
Yeah! Did you hearthat?.
That was awesome!
Oh, dude, Gordon's
gettin' a snowboard in the mail.
[ All Laughing ]
[P.A. Announcer]
And now, race fans, will you please
welcome back Shaun White.
Ladies and gentlemen,
please join me in saluting...
the running ofthe final
Mountain DewSouthern 500!
start your engines!
[White ] I never would have thought
being grand marshal at NASCAR.
You know what I mean?
There's just so many opportunities
within snowboarding
that I'm starting to realize now.
He is a mainstream celebrity,
whether he likes it or not.
He's on TV. Kids know his name.
They know that he's one of the
best snowboarders of all time.
He's also one of the most amazing
skateboarders we've ever seen.
[ White ]
I did Japan for, like, 10 days.
I got home from that
for, like, a day or two-
straight to NASCAR.
And then after NASCAR,
here we are- Hollywood.
Oh, no.
[ Sighs ]
The only thing that wears me out
is just, like, the time zones,
because, like, you get home
and you want to sleep
and then you got to stay up.