And kids these days get to
ride that kind of stuff everyday.
A key element of contests in general
was the fact that you got media out there...
and those photographers would
open the eyes of millions of people.
Every single kid would look
at those magazines and go,
"Oh, my God, I want to do that. "
[ Richards ] Magazines were
a way to show progression.
It was a way to show trends.
It was a way to touch
everyone all over the world about
what was happening in our sport.
But then, with the advent of
the snowboard video, we were like,
Whoa, snowboarding's
way different than the way we do it.
Let's do it that way.
[Rippey] When I first started snowboarding,
the stars ofthe sport, to me,
were the guys that were in the videos.
You know, Damian Sanders,
Craig Kelly, guys like that.
I mean, I would
watch a video 25 times, easy.
Film is the biggest influence
on snowboarding.
Maybe more so than contests.
[ Tina ]
All ofthe sudden, there was
this whole generation ofsnowboarders...
that didn't have to go
and win contests to be sponsored.
We could go free-ride
and go ride powder and experience
more of snowboarding...
thanjust traveling around
doing the contests.
You're on fire!
[ Laughing ]
[Richards ]
Videos helped to look inside
and see what else what was going on...
besides when the snowboarders
were on the hill...
and just more about, like,
their personalities.
And that's what grabbed you-
like, these guys are cool.
## [ Man Singing Punk Rock ]
[ Farmer]
You can snowboard all day
and just go haywire at night.
And I mean haywire.
[ Leines ]
The videos were more
geared towards partying...
and the Whiskey movies
and stuff where it's just mayhem.
[Man ]
They had a different idea of
what aprés-ski activities might be.
Basically just being Jackass
before Jackass was even cool.