First Descent

[Teter] Yeah, I heard
that it's kind of avalanche yup top.

So today we're just gonna,
I guess, plan a jump.

How do I feel about building a kicker
in the Alaskan backcountry?

Well, I think
it's a bunch of bullshit myself.

But I live by the motto,
don't sweat the petty.

Pet the sweaty.
He's got a point.
[ Laughs ]

This is probably the most popular part
of snowboarding videos and everything.

Kids go out
and build these jumps,you know?

Dudes like Shawn
and Travis Rice here.

Terje won't have a problem either.
I'm sure Hannah will do fine.

We'll see.
I don't know, you know.
I could throw out something.

I 'm a little scared, actually.
I've never really done
this kind of stuff before.

Oh, God, no!
Do a couple of those,
you'll be all stretched out.
[Laughs] Yeah.

I thought we'd just be
coming up here, we'd build
a little one foot-high, single track jump.

I mean, when did it come to this?.
Why do you have to fly a hundred feet?.
I don't understand it.

Farme rwas a little nervous because
he's never really had a jump like this.

And the jump was huge.
It was a really big jump.
It was just something
that was bringing the whole new wave
of snowboarding right to him,

and I don't know
whether he was ready for it or not.

Hannah had never been out
in the backcountry to hit a jump like this,

and to start out with that was
just insane 'cause it was- I was scared.
