First Descent

It's just so peaceful up here.
I love coming home
after just being on the road.

Do I have pride?.
I 'm not changing my last name
when I get married.

Keep it Teter forever.
It was nice to have
four older influences to kind
of guide me along, you know?

Are you going to show me
how to ride a rail today?.

[Hannah ]
Amen. I've been traveling
with him a lot lately actually.

I'm Hannah's manager and agent,
as well as Abe and Elijah's.

So we've got the Teter family
snowboarding business going on.

Abe Teter!
[ Crowd Cheering]

We all rode
the same first snowboard.
We all learned on it.

There it is.
This is the old man
right here.

That thing is awesome.
Look at the size
ofthat puppy!

Lookat the dust on it.
That's amazing.

I mean, four older brothers,
and the only sister.

It's made herpretty
rough and tough.

Keeping up with them
all those years,

she was always determined
to be right there with them.

Don't hit me with that.
I think Hannah
exemplifies competitive.

She is so competitive,
almost to a fault
in certain ways.

I mean, she's so competitive
in her head...

and so driven to win
and be the best
at what she's doing...

that sometimes it takes away
from how much fun she's having.

Hannah Teter!

- Come on, Sissy.
- Come on, Hannah!

It helps me
to have a little support
at the bottom.

No matter what happens,
it's just that positive
energy type...

that I can get from my family
and no one else,you know?

He's a skeezer.
Kill it, man.
This is the first time
the backyard in the Teter family
has ever seen rails.

[Hannah Giggles]
Liden, you are so skeezy.

I think they just
kick-started me,you know?

Like, I started snowboarding
because they were.

And then I kind
of sprouted off.
