notify me when the transfer's been made.
Let's keep her thinking
she's in control.
We'll land, get everyone deboarded,
then we take her down.
Mr. Carson?
- What are you doing?
- I am not sitting back there.
- Gene, she knows.
- What does she know?
She knows the kid's in avionics,
she knows that I'm a part of this.
- Did she say anything about avionics?
- No.
- Did you?
- No.
Then why are you panicking? Everything's
working out how we wanted it to.
She has half the plane believing
we have Arab terrorists on board.
- It's priceless.
- She's putting things together, Gene.
What difference does it make? She'll
be dead ten minutes after we land.
They'll find her
with a bullet hole through her head.
And a detonator in her hand.
Hasrt this all been explained to you
a thousand times?
The only piece of evidence that matters
is about this high.
Her name is Julia
and she is gonna get vaporized.
Now it is all working.
Get it together.
OK, look.
If something goes wrong when we land...
Mr. Carson?
The captain would like you to call him.
Thank you.
Yes, captain.
The money's been wired.
I have confirmation. Do you have a pen?
I do.
Go ahead.
Ladies and gentlemen, the captain
has turned on the seat-belt sign