Don't start, man.
- Why do you always do that?
- Shut up.
- To be aggravating.
- "To be aggravating. "
Chill out, man.
I'm watching the game. Come on.
- Why don't y'all hold that down?
- Yeah.
Hold that down, man.
- You a woman.
- Get him, Jerry.
- Try it one more time.
- What you gonna do?
- You'll see.
- Big-ass teeth. Bite me?
You do got some
big-ass teeth, Jerry.
All right.
- Yeah, get him, Jerry!
- What's up?
- What the hell you doing?
- Come on, boy.
The Gorgeous Black Ladies
of Wrestling, Nitro and Midnight.
Nitro got Midnight in a headlock.
Get him! Get him, Jerry!
Midnight trying to get up,
but Nitro's on him!
- Get him, Nitro!
- Okay. All right, all right. All right.
I'm still your big brother.
Come on, man, let's eat.
Bring out that bird.
Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior,
thank you for this day.
Thank you for this food
we're about to receive
and thank you
for bringing us together. Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Pass me the salad, man.
Zip up your mouth, Jeremiah.
You grow up in a barn?