You're fucking lucky.
Told you.
Man, y'all fools been played.
Get off of me, man!
Y'all don't even know
who you messing with, man.
Questioning me about the lights
being off and all that.
Why don't you shut the fuck up, man?
You talk too much.
Jack, it was a questionable kill.
What makes you think that?
Boy, it's sad,
you growing up without a father.
Nobody taught you anything,
did they?
I should've stayed around longer and
held your little hand, huh, sweetheart?
Whatever, man.
Look, sometimes pros will cover up
their shots with another crime.
Like a burglary or something.
Then pay a witness to throw
the cops on to the wrong suspect.
You understand?
Why would anybody wanna kill
the sweetest woman
in the goddamn world?
I don't know, Jackie. I don't know.
All right, I'm here.
- What?
- Last night we found out
it wasn't random.
The witness was paid, and the whole
gang story was some bullshit.
Are you serious, man?
- Come on now.
- Yeah.
Can I help you, gentlemen?
Yeah, if we could just have
a moment of your time, sir.
Evelyn Mercer was our mother.
She was a good lady.
I liked her very much.
Let's come inside.
This doesn't add up.
He's already got the money.