Cracker Jack.
I appreciate your help very much.
You've all been upstanding citizens.
Enjoy the rest of your game.
You crazy as hell.
- What do we got here?
- Bobby, meet Keenon.
Keenon, this is Bobby.
Something tells me he was
on his way to deliver a warning.
What's his name, Keenon?
Damian. He's my brother.
He's your brother?
No shit. These are my brothers.
- No, dog. He's my real brother.
- Yeah, these are my real brothers.
This is Angel, I'm Bobby.
This is Jack and Jeremiah.
So, what about you and Damian?
You guys still close?
- Does he live at home with you?
- Yeah.
But I ain't telling you shit else.
- Okay.
- I wouldn't sell out my brothers either.
Just calm down, okay?
Look, we just wanna talk to him.
We wanna ask him a few questions.
Is he gonna cooperate?
- We got something.
- Address?
He lives in the Gardens,
right over there.
Enjoy the rest of the game, okay?
Don't worry about it.
These are nice grades.
Better stay in school.
What is that? Aluminum?
Shit doesn't even spin.
Come on, man.
I just don't get it.
Why would somebody hire
a goddamn killer to shoot Mom?
Here's an idea:
We'll wait for the shithead
to get back and we'll ask him.
Well, y'all do what y'all gotta do.
I got gymnastics.
Come on, let me out.
You got your leotard on, Jerry?
Go to hell. Y'all know what I'm talking
about. I got a schedule to keep.
Girls got gymnastics,
I gotta take them.
Come on, let me out, man.
You wanna take Cracker Jack
with you? He's very flexible.
- Bobby, you're the one who took ballet.
- All right, Jerry.
All right, man.
I don't mind
If it rains or freezes
Long as I got
My plastic Jesus