Vic, this cop came
to see me today,
and he was asking
about that woman.
Don't worry about cops.
- I got cops.
- No, I'm not.
But I'm worried about this guy
Bobby Mercer.
He came to see me
after the cop did.
You tell him my name?
Of course not, Vic. I mean...
But look, you know, we can't
do business like this anymore.
Nothing's changing.
Evan and I were just talking
about this fella, Bobby Mercer.
- Vic, I did not tell the man anything.
- Did you tell him my name?
- No, I swear...
- Yes, you did! You stinking coward.
I smelled it on you
the second you walked in here.
Now go sit at the other table.
- Excuse me?
- Go sit at the kiddie table!
I ain't finished with you. I ain't finished
my hand, so sit your ass down!
- Are you in trouble?
- He's on a time-out.
Come on, man, what you got?
No. I'm out.
Nines. Won again.
Oh, Charlie.
I heard you're marrying
that fine piece of ass of yours.
Yeah, that's right, that's right.
This spring, in fact.
How about I send you
on a little out-of-town work, huh?
Give me a little
one-on-one time alone
with that cute little Italian thing
of yours, huh?
How would that be?
I'll teach her some nice tricks
for you.
Yeah, maybe you can teach her
how to cook.
No, man, I'll teach her better things
than that.
She's too much woman
for you, Charlie.
You're gonna have
to share her around a bit.
- Nine! My turn!
- You're the one that...
All right, you kids.
- Who wants some ice cream, huh?
- Me!
Why don't you run upstairs. We'll get
you some ice cream. Go on now.