Don't you die on me, you little fairy.
Come on, Jack. Please!
You gotta fucking breathe!
Come on!
Jack, come on, Jack, please!
- Who sent you? Victor Sweet?
- Yeah. Yeah, it was Sweet.
Thank God.
Thank God?
He killed my mother and my little
brother, you motherfucker!
Thank Victor Sweet.
Photograph them.
Hey, let me talk to them, okay?
Look, I'm real sorry, man.
I really am.
But what happened here?
Victor Sweet did this.
How do you figure that?
Because his friend in the bag
over there told me.
Okay, I'll make sure I get
a statement from him then.
Why did Sweet do us like this, man?
And why did it have
to be our moms?
Because Evelyn was going after him.
She knew her son, man.
She never thought for a second
that you were corrupt.
But I never told her
about my business.
Jerry, were you ever able
to keep a secret from her?
She knew all about
your trouble, man.
The moment they shut you down,
she went down there,
- raising hell with the councilman.
- You gonna bury Sweet, or are we?
Well, I got me...
...a dirty uniform I gotta deal with first.
- What?
You see, Evelyn filed a report that
got passed on to Victor Sweet.