Four Brothers

You kill me, you all go down!

He's already late.
Shit, he's probably on his way
right now.

He ain't coming.
- Come out!
- I swear to God, I'll kill him!

You guys set me up, huh?
You think you're real smart,
getting this shit on tape, huh?

- Fowler?
- What the hell?

- I thought Fowler was the hostage.
- Back off! I'm serious!

- Fowler, what are you doing, man?
- Drop the goddamn gun!

- We're here to help you!
- Back off now! I'm serious!

That's right.
Fowler, put down your weapon!

Not a chance!
I said, back off! Now!
Drop your weapon!
He's down!
Man down! Man down! EMS!
- Call it in!
- Get on the horn!

Come on now.
Who's gonna do it, huh?

Who the man here, huh?
Which one of you tough guys
gonna do it?

Who's gonna take on the champ?
You, Charlie?

Yeah. That's right.
Is this who I think it is?
Is this what you all been waiting on?
- You all right, Jerry?
- Yeah, I'm straight.

- Oh, shit.
- Oh, Bobby Mercer.

Back in town.
- You gonna be the one, man?
- Come on, Bobby.

Bring it on, baby. What you got?
Watch his hands, Bobby.
You better say a prayer, man.
