(¢Ü "Also Sprach Zarathustra"
by Richard Strauss)
I see the problem.
Your lower back is in spasm.
I'm gonna have to stick some needles
in your ass now, sweetie.
Um.. But my butt feels fine.
I'll say!
Why does my butt feel like
it needs to cough?
I, uh.. I heat the needles.
Will you just let the person that knows
what the fuck they're doing just do it?
- Hyah!
- OK, yeah. That hurt.
You know what they say -
no pain, no gain.
- Agh!
- No!
- Hyah!
- No!
- Cha!
- No!
- Vom!
- Oh!
- (shriek)
- Die, Daddy.
- Just 74 more to go, sweetie.
- Oh, God.
Bite this.
- It's all good.
- Really?
I love healing.
- Yeah!
- Agh!
Your back feels better now,
doesn't it?
Yeah, back feels good.
My ass feels like
it's been clawed by a litter of panthers.
Your butt looks like
that guy from Hellraiser.
He's gonna be as good as new
in about an hour. My work here is done.
Now I'm gonna get myself all prettied up
for the party tonight.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
What about the needles?
Casey? Yank 'em out in about half an hour.
Don't be gentle.