Our search for answers
opened eyes
smaller and larger than our own.
We read the codes of fossils.
lmages from space
of the torn continents.
Heartbeats of earthquakes
from the Earth's interior.
The molten flows
of its volcanoes.
Slender cores drilled
from its deepest seafloors.
From a dozen sciences
came the fragments of answers
which were to revolutionize
the study of Earth.
An astonishing theory
took shape.
lt is a theory called
"Global Plate Tectonics"
but it is nothing less
than the rediscovery
of the Earth-
an encompassing theory
of Earth's crust
being contnuously
created and destroyed...
of a genesis
which has never ended...
of extaordinary journeys
of the continents.
The most recent journey began
almost 200 million years ago
when dinosaurs were
in their ascendancy.
All of the continents
were then assembled
in a single land mass-
a super-continent, now called Pangaea.
180 million years ago,
a great rift has begun to open
between what will become
North America and Africa.
The Atlantic is born.
135 million years ago
the first true birds appear
in the primeval skies.
South America fractures
from Africa.
Great areas
of the continents drown
and emerge with the drift
of the continents.
Climates and weather change
constantly shaping
the evolution of life.
lndia has broken free
from Antartica
and drifts north to collide
with Asia 40 million years ago