Along this great system
of mid-ocean ridges
suddenly volcanoes are born
and ashy islands,
black and burning
are thrust up out of the sea.
We are witnessing the birth
of the island of Surtsey
near lceland.
For months,
this tiny ashen island
waged a battle for survival
against the sea.
lts survival depended
on the surfacing of lava
from deep within the rift-
lava which would armor Surtsey
against the waves
of the north Atlantic.
Surtsey had become
the newest battleground
in Earth's oldest war-
ln cessant forces of erosion,
relentless powers of creation.
Surtsey survives.
this small volcanic island
so recently created from
the fire of Earth's interior
has earned a place
on the maps of the Earth.
Like Surtsey,
all of lceland was created
in fiery volcanic emergence
for here, the colossal
mid-Atlantic eidge has surfaced
to form the greatest
volcanic island on Earth.
Upon this extraordinary land
of ice and fire
of glaciers stained
with the ashes