And here, in the eroded gorges
of the rift floor
in the exposed sediments
of three million years
we have unearthed
the clearest record
of the genesis of man.
For here,
anthropologist have discovered
the oldest fossil remains
spanning human evolution.
Life has been profoundly shaped
by the movement and separation
of the continents.
Had not the continents been
continuouly raised and renewed
life would never have adcanced
from the sea.
Had not the continents separated
Life would not have been
isolated in separate preserves
to proliferate
in a thousand directions
which evolution explored.
Had not the climates and weather
constantly changed
with the drift of the continents
newer, more adaptive life-forms
would not have evolved
to displace older species.
Mamal might never
have succeeded reptile.
Man might never
have gained dominion
over all the fish and fowl
and over every living thing
that moveth upon the Earth.