including the present sites
of Los Angles and San Diego
will be an Arctic island
approaching the Aleutian Trench.
North on the fault line stands
a great and beautiful city-
San Francisco.
In 1 906, a powerful earthquake
and resulting fire
leveled this city.
Since, the stresses
have steadily accumulated
in the fault
Yet, when the San Andreas
launches another
great earthquake
San Francisco need not die.
ln our new awareness
of Earth's forces
we have designed our buildings
to withstand
the greatest of earthquakes.
Already, a new science has taken
the first promising steps
in predicting
and controlling earthquakes.
Our new theories
of plate tectonics
have begun to yield
a harvest of benefits.
They have focused our search
for minerals and petroleum.
We have only begun to tap
the immense sources of energy
that underlie the earth.
Today, lceland heats its entire
capital of Reykjavik
from thermal wells
tapping the fires
of the mid-Atlantic Ridge.
ln time, we may learn to harness
the inexhaustible furnaces
of the interior of our planet
The processes of genesis
The Atlantic widens.
Africa fractures.
The Alps grow.
A new Thera rises.
The voyages of the continents