
We have peered
into the boundaries of creation

and read the fires and flow
of genesis

and seen our own molten image.
And we perceive,
as never before

the fiery, moving outlines
of the immense
and awesome journey

of which we are a part
And for all the people
back on Earth

the crew of Apollo 8
has a message

that we would like
to send to you:

"ln the beginning God created
the heaven and the earth.

And the earth was without form,
and void..."

Science has only deepened
the wonder of genesis.

The more we leaen
of Nature's processes

the more beautiful
the faces of our Earth

and the more mysterious
our own beings.

From the ashes of long-ago stars;
from the volcano's molten fire;
from the vanished life which
rode the drifting continents

evolved the miracle
of human thought

Within our minds,
continents move.

The earth evolves.
The universe unfolds.
Within us burns a special fire.
On Earth, it is again
the morning of creation.

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