...then television
and those who finance it...
...those who look at it
and those who work at it...
...may see atotally
different picture too late.
Millie! Just the person
I wanted to see! Come here!
This goes at the top
of the Roy Campanella piece.
Yes! Give me a half an hour.
I may need it
a little quicker than that!
- Can I get some coffee first?
- Come on! Get me some coffee!
Morning, Johnny!
I have some new notes that go
with the Tito footage for Fred.
Fred's gonna be in
in an hour.
I already put them on his desk.
Can you just make sure that...
...he doesn't look at the film
until he reads the notes?
- Yes.
- Thank you.
Hey, Joe! Shirley!
- What's going on in here?
- What do you mean?
Two attractive people
alone in the copy room!
Don't tell Paley, he'll fire me.
He'll fire both of us, Shirley.
- Rules are made to be broken!
- You can afford to say that.
Let me see this.
- It's simply a loyalty oath.
- To CBS? - And to America.
You promise to be a loyal American?
I know. All of the reporters
have signed this.
Who are you promising this to?