Fred signed it.
Murrow signed it.
- Murrow signed it?
- Yeah.
Are you now
or have you ever been...
I thought it was a joke,
but there's a lot of pressure.
...on the Attorney General's list
of subversive groups?
- I don't know.
- Let's think about it.
What is it really saying? Is it a civil
liberties issue or censorship?
Am I simply stating to CBS
that I'm not a Communist?
- Murrow signed this?
- And Fred and Stanton.
- Maybe you should talk toMurrow.
- Maybe I should sign it.
If you don't sign this,
are you and I a target?
If I don'tsign it,
they'll fire me.
Sign it.
Finally we can tell everyone
the truth.
If I could express it
in what's in my heart now...
...I'd do it in the terms
of the poet who once said...
..."Ah, 'tis but a dainty flower
I bring to you."
'Yes, 'tis but a violet..."
"...glistening with dew."
"But still in its heart
there lie beauties concealed."
"So in our heart..."
"...our love for you..."
"...lies unrevealed."
I used to...
...pride myself on the idea
that I was a bit... tough...
...especially over the past
19-19 months, when we've been...
...kicked around,
and bullwhipped, and damned.
I didnt think that...
...I could be... touched very deeply.
Okay, that's enough.
That's enough, Leo.
- It's short.
- Howlong is the piece?
It's 4 minutes,
but we can cut it down.
It cant stand alone, but it might be
a nice companion piece.
Let's go through this one more time.
Yep, got a call from the office
of Senator Morse this morning...