- Got it.
- Oh. Here.
- There we go.
- Shirley, that...
We can't say we were surprised at
Murrows "Hate McCarthy" telecast...
...last evening, when his explosively
one-sided propaganda...
...edited with deviously clever
selectivity from McCarthy's march...
...against Communism,
was finished last evening...
...by equally Machiavellian coincidence
the following telecast...
...featured Murrow's PM protege,
In an obviously gloating mood,
...hoped viewers had witnessed
his patron's triumph...
...from and for the Left.
Soon. Soon...
Shirley, it's okay.
Go ahead, finish it.
- No, that's it. That's it.
- Shirley, please, finish it.
The CBS has been in a lengthy
"clean house of Lefties" mood.
The worst offenders
on lesser levels...
...have been quietly
pushed out of the company.
Don Hollenbeck, a graduate
of the demised pinko publication PM...
...attacked conservative papers
with sly and slanted propaganda.
He then proceeded
through an equally...
...tilted review of the day's events...
...with McCarthy dominating his words,
actions, attitudes.
- It's O'Brian. - He didn't get
the Scotch, that's all.
- Is it grammatically correct?
- I'll have that cigarette, Ed.
- Thanks, Shirley.
- Oh. - Mmh. - Thank you.
Joe... Shirley...
It doesn't matter.
To Jack Gould!
- To Jack! To Jack! To Jack Gould!
- To Jack Gould!
I love Jack Gould!
May he rest in peace.
- Hello, Jimmy.
- Fred, congratulations! - Thank you.
I got such a hangover
to go along with the ulcer.
All the adguys on the 3rd floor
watched the show.