John, Jesse, go through
the HUAC hearings.
Eddie, Palmer, look at
the interviews and any speeches.
Okay, fellas, here we go.
His own words, that's what we need.
- said he wouldn"t remove
that general from the Army...
...who cleared a Communist major.
I said, "Then...
... general, you should be removed
from any command.
Any man who says:
"I will protect another general
who protects Communists"...
... is not fit
to wear that uniform, general. "
All right, hold on.
Ethically, we're fine.
But legally if we air this
are we leaking closed-hearing testimony?
- He chose to read it.
- We're not misquoting him.
There are other reporters. We're safe.
- Lf it's a legal issue, it's his.
- I'll check with Legal.
And wait till you hear
the bleeding hearts...
... scream and cry about our methods...
... of trying to drag the truth...
... from those who know
or should know...
... who covered up a Fifth Amendment
Communist major.
But they say:
"Oh, it"s all right to uncover them,
but don"t get rough doing it, McCan'thy."
Did the Civil...
Civil Liberties Union...
... provide you with an attorney
at that time?
I had many offers of attorneys...
... one of those was from the
American Civil Liberties Union.
The questions is, did the Civil Liberties
Union supply you with an attorney?
- They did supply an attorney.
- The answer is yes?
The answer is yes.
You know the Civil Liberties Union
has been listed...
...as a front, doing the work
of the Communist Party?
Mr. Chairman, this was 1932.
Yeah, I know it was in 1932. Do you know
that they since have been listed...
... as a front, doing the work
of the Communist Party?
I do not know
that they have been listed.
- You don"t know?
- l"ve heard that mentioned...
All right. Turn it off.
I need those three cans
of Stevensors tacked onto the end.
Anybody read this book yet?
It would be nice if this guy isn't a commie.
- Did Millie give it to you?
- I wanna read the book.