Good Night, and Good Luck.

... the people know one of those
parties will be destroyed...

... and the republic can"t endure
very long as a one-party system.

On one thing the senator
has been consistent.

Often operating
as a one-man committee...

...he has traveled far,
interviewed many, terrorized some...

...accused civilian and military leaders
of the past administration...

...of a great conspiracy to turn
over the country to Communism.

Well, may I say that I was extremely
shocked when I heard that...

... Secretary Stevens told two Army officers
that they had to take part in the cover-up...

... of those who promoted
and coddled Communists.

As I read his statement
I thought of that quotation:

"On what meat doth
this our Caesar feed?"

The question is, did the Civil Liberties Union
supply you with an attorney?

They did supply an attorney.
- The answer is yes?
- The answer is yes.

Do you think this book
did considerable harm, its publication...

... by an expression of the views
contained in it?

The sale of that book was so abysmally
small, it was so unsuccessful...

... that a question of its influence...
You can go to the publisher...
... you"ll see it was one of the most
unsuccessful books he ever put out.

He"s still sorry about it, just as I am.
Well, I think that"s a compliment
to American intelligence.

L"ll say that.
The Reed Harris hearing demonstrates
one of the senator's techniques.

Twice he said:
"The American Civil Liberties Union
was listed as a subversive front."

The Attorney General's list does not and
never has listed the ACLU as subversive...

...nor does the FBI, or any other
federal government agency.

And the American Civil Liberties Union
holds in its files...

...letters of commendation
from President Truman...

...President Eisenower
and General MacArthur.

Earlier, the senator asked:
"Upon what meat doth
this our Caesar feed?"
