This big plain,
Treadwell called "The Sanctuary."
Here he would spend
the early summer months
before moving along
some 35 miles
to this densely overgrown area
which he called
"The Grizzly Maze"
where he would observe
the late summer salmon run.
It was here that Fulton
would pick him up in the fall.
On October 6 last year,
this is the spot here at Kaflia Lake
where I pulled in
to pick up Tim and Amie.
Typical day out here.
Rain, foggy, a lot of wind.
It was kinda strange.
Didn't see him, didn't hear anything.
No gear on the beach
or anything.
I tied up, and I started
yelling a little bit.
"Tim! Amie!" And no answer.
I caught a little tiny bit
of movement up on the hill,
so I'm like, it was windy, maybe they
just couldn't hear me or something.
So I decided I'd go up
in the camp,
and see what was going on.
And headed off
up through the alders.
It's kind of a thick trail
up into camp there.
Got about three-quarters
of the way up the hill,
and something just didn't feel right at all,
something seemed strange.
I'm yelling and no answer.
So I turned around
and started coming back down the trail
at a pretty good clip, I guess.
I was kinda... trottin' along.
And as I got in the thickest
part of the alders right here,
as I got near the airplane,
I just happened to turn around.
And I turned around
and looked and...
Pretty nasty-Iooking bear
that I had seen here before
is just sneaking slow,
with his head down.