They stole it from here.
It was quite tragic for us
because it's on loan
and they came in and took it.
And how do you see
Timothy Treadwell's story?
I see it as something that's both...
It's tragic because,
yeah, he died
and his girlfriend died
because he tried to be a bear.
He tried to act like a bear, and for us
on the island, you don't do that.
You don't invade
on their territory.
When you're in their territory,
you know you're there.
And when you're nearby,
you make sure that
they know you're around.
You know, for him to act
like a bear the way he did,
would be...
I don't know.
To me, it was the ultimate
of disrespecting the bear
and what the bear represents.
But he tried to protect the bears,
didn't he?
I think he did more damage
to the bears than he did...
Because when you habituate bears to
humans, they think all humans are safe.
Where I grew up, the bears avoid us
and we avoid them.
They're not habituated to us.
If I look at it from my culture,
Timothy Treadwell crossed a boundary
that we have lived with
for 7,000 years.
It's an unspoken boundary,
an unknown boundary.
But when we know
we've crossed it,
we pay the price.