Yep, yep. He says,
"I love the way you pet."
I think one of the things that's really important
is you can see the bond
that has developed between
this very wild animal
and this very,
fairly wild person.
And you realize
he has this gorgeous fur,
and people are trying
to kill him for it
with steel door traps
and cruel farming practices.
And other people run him down
on horses for sport.
Fox hunting.
We want this to end.
Between Timmy, the fox, this beautiful fox,
and me, we ask the public,
please stop killing and hurting these foxes
and torturing them.
Don't you think?
If they knew how beautiful he was,
and how sweet he was,
they would never hurt him.
Timothy used his camera as a tool
to get his message across.
Sometimes it was very playful.
Do another take here. I fucked up the last
one. Almost fell off the cliff.
I'm a fucking asshole.
Behind me is the Grizzly Sanctuary
and also behind me,
hidden down below in those trees somewhere,
is my camp.
I must stay incognito.
I must hide from the authorities.
I must hide from people
who would harm me.
I must now hide from people
that seek me out
because I've made some sort of,
I don't want to say celebrity,
but they come to Alaska
and hear about Treadwell in the bush
and they want to go find him.
Well, they can't.
I'm hidden down below.
No one knows where I am.
Even I don't know where I am.
That's pretty shitty.
Let's do a really short take here.
But as a filmmaker,
he was methodical.
- Whatever.
- Often repeating takes 15 times.
One more really short,
excellent take.
Let's just really sum it up. Here we go.
This is gonna be the motherfucker.
Behind me is the Grizzly Sanctuary,
and also hidden below is my camp.
For I must now remain hidden from the
authorities, from people who would harm me,
from people who would
seek me out as a story.
My future helping the animals
depends on it.