I must be a spirit
in the wilderness.
With himself as the central character,
he began to craft his own movie,
something way beyond
the wildlife film.
There is going to be a number of takes
I'm gonna do.
These are called
"Wild Timmy Jungle Scenes."
We're gonna do
several takes of each
where I'll do it with a bandanna on,
maybe a bandanna off.
Maybe two different
colored bandannas.
Some without a bandanna,
some with the camera
being held.
I kind of stumbled.
Let's do it again.
So the basic deal is that this stuff
could be cut into a show later on,
but who knows what look I had, whether
I had the black bandanna or no bandanna.
Very rarely the camo one,
but I like the camo look.
Both cameras rolling. Both cameras rolling.
Both cameras rolling!
Sexy green bandanna,
last take of the evening.
I'm on my way to the creek.
I need to get water.
And there's a super-duper low tide.
Full moon tonight, and action.
In his action movie mode,
Treadwell probably did not realize
that seemingly empty moments
had a strange, secret beauty.
Sometimes images themselves
developed their own life,
their own mysterious stardom.
Starsky and Hutch. Over.
Beyond his posings,
the camera was his only
present companion.
It was his instrument to explore
the wilderness around him,
but increasingly
it became something more.
He started to scrutinize
his innermost being,