his demons,
his exhilarations.
Facing the lens of a camera took
on the quality of a confessional.
Covering various years,
the following samples illustrate
the search for himself.
If there... I have no idea
if there's a God.
But if there's a God, God would
be very, very... pleased with me.
If he could just watch me here,
how much I love them,
how much I adore them,
how respectful I am to them.
How I am one of them.
And how the studies they give me,
the photographs, the video...
And take that around
for no charge
to people around the world.
It's good work. I feel good about it.
I feel good about myself doing it.
And I want to continue, and I hope I can.
I really hope I can.
But if not, be warned.
I will die for these animals. I will die for
these animals. I will die for these animals.
Thank you so much
for letting me do this.
Thank you so much for these animals,
for giving me a life.
I had no life.
Now I have a life.
Now, enough of that.
Now let the expedition continue.
It's off to Timmy, the fox.
We've gotta find Banjo.
He's missing!
And that's my story here,
for me, Timothy Treadwell,
the kind warrior.
Can I take it?
I'm trying.
Okay, yeah, I can do it.
Yeah. Why not? Why not?
I've crossed the halfway point.
Government's given me
all they have. So far.
I've stood up to it.
I've had danger in the boat, almost died.
I've almost fallen off a cliff.
Yeah. The danger factor's
about to amp up in the Maze.