that I guess I was either gonna die
from it or break free of it.
But nothing, nothing, Iris,
could get me from... to stop drinking.
Nothing! I went to programs.
I tried quitting myself.
I did everything that I could
to try not to drink,
and then I did everything
I could to drink.
And... And it was killing me
until I discovered
this land of bears
and realized that they were in
such great danger
that they needed a caretaker, they needed
someone to look after them.
But not a drunk person.
Not a person messed up.
So I promised the bears
that if I would look over them,
would they please help me
be a better person and
they've become so inspirational,
and living with the foxes too,
that I did, I gave up the drinking.
It was a miracle.
It was an absolute miracle.
And the miracle was animals.
The miracle was animals.
I live here. It's very dangerous.
It's really dangerous.
I run wild with the bears.
I run so wild, so free,
so like a child
with these animals.
It's really cool.
And it's very serious.
I'm here alone,
and when you're all alone
you do get... you get lonely.
Oh, duhl Right?
You get pretty lonely.
Oh, no. I'm gonna do all this stuff because
I'm supposed to be alone.
Oh. Okay.
Part of the mythical character
Treadwell was transforming
himself into
required him to be seen
as being completely alone.
He was mostly alone,
but he did spend time with women
who will here
remain anonymous.
The truth is that
Amie Huguenard
accompanied him for parts
of his last two summers.