Grizzly Man

She had a great deal of conviction
in this relationship. We know that.

Although in the past,
she was more standoffish.

She didn't get as close
to the bear as Timothy did.

She was more cautious.
However, I know,
that at the moment of death,

when one is being tried
to the maximum of one's ability

to be faithful,
to stick to a situation,

to be loyal, if one can say that,
to Timothy,

she stayed there,
and she fought with Timothy.

She did not run away.
Amie, we know, fought back
for approximately six minutes.

Amie stayed with her lover,
with her partner, with her mate,
and with the bear.
Ultimately she stayed
with the bear in the situation.

This is Timothy's camera.
During the fatal attack,
there was no time
to remove the lens cap.

Jewel Palovak allowed me
to listen to the audio.

I hear rain, and I hear Amie,
"Get away! Get away!
Go away!"

Can you turn it off?
