And he Ioaned us two mikes.
Try them.
Thanks, but we need a good system.
This concert means a lot to us.
With a fuII house...
Think you'lI filI it?
We hope so.
We may be unknown,
-but we have a foIlowing.
-To see it full one last time...
One Iast time?
The city architects
want to cIose it.
They're afraid it'Il colIapse.
Follow me.
You can rehearse in here
for the time being.
That is, if you've got
nothing better.
Anything's betterthan nothing.
Then search no more.
l'lI clean it up for you
and it'Il be perfect.
-How about it?
-Bro, we're broke.
How can we afford the system?
We'lI think of something.
When new sounds reach the island,
one of our own
always finds a way to add
a llttle Caribbean flavor.
Listen to X-Alfonso's new song
and see what I mean.
Be good, and don't wait tiIl
tomorrow if you can be happytoday.
Our big concert's next month,
Saturdaythe 28th. And of course,
-you're the host.
-I'm honored, gentIemen.
-And promoter.
-Leave it to me.
AII of Havana wiII know.
ls that my demo?
It's hot.
Chen, rememberwe're taping
next week's showtomorrow.
-That's complicated. Bye.
"Doing the Havana," the 2nd track,
wiIl be a hit. When'lI they play it?
l don't decide the pIay list.
-Shit, Rober!
-You guys have nothing to Iose.
This job is aIl I've got.
Here, a gift.
This couId get me into trouble.
I'Il see what I can do.
Wait, wait!
l heard there are Spanish producers
here scouting Cuban talent.