Okay, okay.
Thanks. Come back later
-to choose the pair you like best.
-After the soap opera.
Sweetie, take this
in the kitchen for me.
Put it in the fridge.
HelIo? Hi, Pancho.
What's up?
When did you hear?
ls that permanent?
Those bastards!
There's no other option?
Hold on a sec.
CarIitos, cut it out!
l can't even talk
on the phone here.
What was that, Pancho?
Where the heIl would I get
500 dolIars?
Imagine that.
Oh, well.
It's alI ready to go.
I'Il bring it over
in the morning.
AlI right.
Give me a peso.
Here's your phone back!
Thanks, honey!
What happened?
They revoked my license
to seIl at the fair.
I can get another
for 500 dolIars.
What wiIl you do?
What can I do?
Keep paying someone
to seIl at theirtabIe.
Goddammit! Where wiIl I get
that money? We're broke.
The kids wilI hear.
You hear me?
It's hopeless.
They're keeping us down.
Dad, it's Tito.
TeIl him l'm coming.
I'm going, too.
Don't be Iong!
Chari has something speciaI
planned for later.
I'Il come pick you up.
Luz Maria wouId Iove to see you.
I can't, too much work.
Besides, I'm not in the mood