Whatabout dinnertonight?
I don't know. Any ideas?
l was thinking something simpIe...
-The FIoridita...
-No, Rober.
Save the tourism.
Leave it to us.
We know a nice IittIe pIace
with great music,
-good food...
-If you don't like it, ourtreat.
Send me the revised contracts.
And the editorial rights.
Tomorrow I meet with the consuI
and the cultural attaché.
The visa won't be a problem.
Yeah, we've signed
the pre-contract.
Quite a featover here.
I've had two meetings.
l aImost gave up. HoId on. Hi.
Sorry, gotta go. l'm getting into
the Time Machine.
-What is this reIic?
-A 1952 Chevrolet.
A 1952 ChevroIet.
How quaint.
-ls this it?
Hey, bro!
-How's it going?
-Fucking awesome.
WeIcome to Terror PaIace.
Where have you played?
More than three people
is a conspiracy here.
Just kidding. AcoupIe pIaces here
in Havana. The last time was...
l forget.
Keep in mind the BeatIes
were banned here
for "ideologicaI subversion."
To Cuba!
Let's cut the crap and give these
Spanish invaders a IittIe heII.
One, two, three.
What the fuck was that?
Anarchy, subversion,
Get sucked.