Cuba rebellion!
Cuba rebellion!
Cuba rebellion!
Cuba rebellion!
Cuba rebellion!
Cuba rebellion!
Cuba rebellion!
Whata gorgeous cousin I have!
Oh, my God!
It's my cousin!
I wish my aunt
couId have been here.
So do I.
How is she doing?
Fighting like a tiger. If she were
a man she'd be a section chief.
But being a woman,
and at her age, she manages.
Hold on a sec.
Look, here's 150 dolIars and
the Iist. Check that it's alI there.
Just as weIl. This'lI keep me
going a coupIe more months.
l talked to your mom.
She wants you in Miami.
We have a contact
to get you out.
We've been overthis.
-l don't want to Ieave.
-Keep an open mind.
Read the Ietter, she expIains
everything. Your mother needs you.
Working overthere is hard
for a 56-year-old.
She's IoneIy.
What about Armando?
Armando Ieft her
a couple months ago.
She didn't want to worry you,
but you shouId know.
Forget that muIatto.
He's hopeless.
Make your mom happy.
The kids wilI be fine.
l'lI take care ofit.